
Learn how to play the Blackjack game

Available in almost all online casinos and in land based casinos in various countries, Blackjack is probably one of the most played games among various casino games. For those who are still not experts in playing games and being in the learning process, here are a quick guide on how to play Blackjack.

Gim Blackjack involves several players; However, the players did not play each other but against the dealer. The main purpose of the players in Blackjack is to make hands like whose combined value will be as close as possible and will also be more than a hand dealer. However, players must be careful and ensure the value of the hand does not exceed twenty one because if yes, he will come out.

The value of hands in blackjack is determined by adding individual values ​​of cards that make up blackjack hands. In blackjack, the face card is worth ten points and different numbered cards number number. ACE is considered an important card in the BlackJack game; The value can be one or eleven, depending on the type of hand that the player has. In blackjack, two card cards consisting of ACE and ten point cards are considered the best because they have a twenty-one exact value.

The game starts when the players have placed their bets; In blackjack before handling the card, bets must be placed. In blackjack each player handled two cards that continue to be faced. The dealer itself has two cards, one of them keeps facing up while the others face face. At this stage the players must decide whether they will ‘stand’ or ‘hit’. ‘HIT’ means handling other additional cards; This is done when players want to increase the value of his hand. In general if the value of the player’s hands is less than 16, the player chooses another additional card. However, players must be very careful so as no more than twenty one when hitting. On the other hand ‘stands’ means satisfied with the dealing hand.

After the players make a decision, the dealer shows the downturn card faced. If the value of the player’s hand is more than a dealer without more than 21, then the player is paid 1: 1; However, if the player gets the blackjack payment is 3: 2.

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